Education, Conservation, and Restoration of the Marine Environment

NAME/CaNOE Fundraiser and Conference

Join us in making waves for coastal education!

SeaChange Marine Conservation Society is partnering with the Northwest Aquatic and Marine Educators (NAME) and Canadian Network for Ocean Education (CaNOE) to fundraise for the 46th annual “Ripple Effect: Making Waves Together” Conference.  In August, educators, researchers and students from across the region will gather to share their passion for aquatic ecosystems.  From hands-on workshops and field trips to captivating keynote presentations, participants will gain valuable insights into the latest developments in marine science, environmental stewardship and place-based educational practices.

We need your support to make this event truly unforgettable and help us build communities of life-long learners who care about our aquatic world.  Your generous donations will:

·        support the costs for engaging field trips that help foster deeper connections; and

·        provide scholarships and travel grants to ensure that individuals from diverse backgrounds have equal access to the many unique learning, leadership and networking opportunities at the conference.

We have set a fundraising goal of $10,000.  By supporting the 2024 Conference, you’re not just investing in a single event.  Your contributions will help empower and inspire the next generation of environmental educators and leaders, fostering a culture of stewardship and sustainability that extends far beyond our 2024 conference.


Every donation is important to us, no matter how large or small!