We are pleased to announce that the parent company of Coastal & Ocean Resources (CORI) has entered into an agreement with SeaChange Marine Conservation Society to transfer the Intellectual Property and employees related to the ShoreZone coastal imaging and habitat mapping system from CORI to SeaChange. This transfer was effective as of January 1st, 2023.
This transfer creates exciting new opportunities for both ShoreZone and SeaChange.
ShoreZone started in BC in the late 1970’s as a method to collect standardized, repeatable data about the nearshore coastal zone. Since then, it has grown and developed into a unique partnership of funders, researchers, communities, and members of the public, and currently exists for over 123,500 km of shoreline in the Alaska, BC, Washington State, Oregon and Nova Scotia. CORI has been integral to the development, management and custodianship of the ShoreZone program for over 35 years, which is a remarkable legacy that SeaChange honors.
This transfer creates exciting new opportunities for both ShoreZone and SeaChange. ShoreZone aligns solidly with SeaChange’s core mission and values, including ensuring that coastal data is accessible to the public, which is a key component of ShoreZone.
Please check back as we work to update our website to reflect these exciting changes.