Monday November 20, 7:00 – 9:00pm at the Shaw Centre for the Salish Sea and via ZOOM. Contact for ZOOM link.
Come celebrate our 25th anniversary and learn about what SeaChange accomplished in 2023 and what we have planned for 2024.
Nikki Wright, co-founder of SeaChange, will give a special presentation for our 25th anniversary. She is an environmental educator, conservationist and leader, and from 1998 to 2023, Nikki served as the Executive Director of SeaChange Marine Conservation Society. In 1999, 1800 eelgrass (Zostera marina) shoots were transplanted in Tod Inlet, a small inlet of Saanich Inlet north of Victoria, BC. From that success, the Seagrass Conservation Working Group was born in 2001, and over 40 restored eelgrass habitats within the Salish Sea. She passionately believes small groups in the community are the real agents of change for a more protected coast.
Everyone is welcome to attend, but you must be a member to vote. Memberships will be available for purchase at the AGM for $25 (waged) and $10 (unwaged). Payment by cash, cheque or e-transfer to