Education, Conservation, and Restoration of the Marine Environment

  • NAME/CaNOE Fundraiser and Conference

    Join us in making waves for coastal education! SeaChange Marine Conservation Society is partnering with the Northwest Aquatic and Marine Educators (NAME) and Canadian Network for Ocean Education (CaNOE) to fundraise for the 46th annual “Ripple Effect: Making Waves Together” Conference.  In August, educators, researchers and students from across the region will gather to share their passion…

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  • 2023 Annual General Meeting

    Monday November 20, 7:00 – 9:00pm at the Shaw Centre for the Salish Sea and via ZOOM. Contact for ZOOM link. Come celebrate our 25th anniversary and learn about what SeaChange accomplished in 2023 and what we have planned for 2024. Nikki Wright, co-founder of SeaChange, will give a special presentation for our 25th…

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  • Speaking Event with Nikki Wright

    Marine Systems in the Victoria Harbour Migratory Bird Sanctuary A PRESENTATION ON THE ROLE OF NEARSHORE MARINE SYSTEMS FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF HEALTH, INCLUDING OURS, AND THE ROLE IT PLAYS AS A CARBON SINK. JACQUES SIROIS – Introduction A naturalist, birdwatcher and restoration enthusiast, Jacques has spent the last decade promoting and revitalizing historic Victoria Harbour…

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